
Unique location in Haapsalu

Marienholm peninsula is located on the left bank of Suur Viik bay, right at the heart of Haapsalu. This place is unlike any other in the entire Baltic Sea region.

The top of the Marienholm peninsula in Haapsalu was the location of a stately harbour in the beginning of the 19th Century and it even welcomed prominent heads of state and distinguished guests. In the middle of the 20th century, the peninsula boasted a thriving fishing industry that closed down in the early 1990s. In spring 2022, Scandium Kinnisvara became the visionary driving property development on the peninsula. Scandium saw to the demolition of the derelict fishing industry to pave the way for a new Marienholm neighbourhood.

The mini villas of Tiny Marienholm will be the first opportunity to experience and discover the re-opened Marienholm area in private! Construction on the peninsula will start shortly to establish a resort-like residential area with views of the sea. You can read more about the latter by visiting