

17. Jun 2024

What to do in summer in Haapsalu?

Haapsalu offers a variety of summer activities that cater to diverse interests, drawing visitors from Estonia and beyond. Whether you’re an enthusiast of historical sites or cultural events or simply looking to relax, Haapsalu has something for everyone.

18. Dec 2023

winter in Haapsalu

What to do in winter in Haapsalu?

Haapsalu is known for its summer events and promenade, but a wide range of enjoyable activities await here in winter as well. Let’s take a closer look at what to do in Haapsalu in winter.

27. Oct 2023

Haapsalu SPA Hestia ja Tiny Marienholm

Haapsalu SPA

At Tiny Marienholm, we offer a comfortable SPA package during the winter season. Enjoy elegant accommodation and visit our nearby beautiful Hestia SPA complex!

30. Oct 2023

Mirror house near Tallinn

Finding a beautiful mirror house near Tallinn could have been a real challenge just a year ago. In the last six months, however, several of them have appeared in this area.

25. Aug 2023

accommocation in Haapsalu

Accommodation in Haapsalu

Finding accommodation in Haapsalu can be very easy or impossibly difficult. It all depends on the date and time!