
Majutus Haapsalus saunaga Lux minivillas

Majutus Lux saunaga minivillas asub otse maalilise vaatega rannikukaldal Haapsalus. Vaade igalt ruutmeetrilt siin majas avaneb kaunile saartega pikitud lahesopile. Maja sisustus on veetlevalt tume, detailides kõneleb päikeseloojangut meenutav punakus. Privaatne terrass ootab nautima pikki helgeid õhtuid. Hubane atmosfäär sooja kamina saatel on kutsuv nii käredalt külmadel talveõhtutel kui mäsleva tormiga.

Minivillad on mõõtmetelt küll pigem kompaktsed, kuid detailidest ja hubasusest tulvil. Pisikesed kuni 2-aastased külalised ning väikesed neljajalgsed sõbrad on siia rõõmuga oodatud. Sümboolse tasu eest on meie poolt pisikestele külalistele valmis reisivoodi koos kõige vajalikuga. Lemmikloomaga tulles palume sellest kindlasti märku anda, soetades lisateenusena lemmikloomapaketi. Lemmikud meie majades voodi peale lubatud ei ole 🙂

Lux minivillad on tumedate toonitud klaasidega, lubades looduse kirgastel toonidel otse tuppa voogelda. Kaunid vaated avanevad nii voodist, köögist, söögilaua tagant kui isegi duši alt! Klaassaun asub otse maja kõrval ning ka saunalava on otse maalilise mere poole suunatud, jäädes merest vaid ca 20m kaugusele. Saun on kogu teie peatumise ajaks privaatselt teile broneeritud. Saunamajas on ka eraldi pesemisvõimalus.

Majad on hästi ligipääsetavad nii autoga, Bolt tõuksiga kui jalgsi. Autoparkla asub majade kõrval.

  • Privaatsaun
  • Kamin puudega
  • Hommikumantlid
  • Terrass
  • Köök koos pliidi ja kohvimasinaga
  • Dušš
  • Suur voodi 160×200
  • Bluetooth kõlar
  • Wifi
  • Suurepärased vaated

Külaliste tagasiside

Heidi Parkkanen
Heidi Parkkanen
19:55 20 Jan 25
Kreedera Arula
Kreedera Arula
09:38 31 Dec 24
If you are looking for a beautiful view, romance, coziness, cleanliness, a place to turn yourself off. Then I highly recommend it. 🙂🫰
Olga Ademson
Olga Ademson
13:59 22 Oct 24
olavi jurkatam
olavi jurkatam
02:59 20 Sep 24
Kersti Sagim
Kersti Sagim
18:19 05 Sep 24
The most beautiful and special accommodation I have ever stayed in. 🥰 Beautiful interior and cozy style. A wonderful view of nature. Everything you need for short-term accommodation is available. I felt very special and welcome there. I highly recommend staying in the mirror house. Staying there on the anniversary of some event leaves a particularly memorable and special memory. ❣️
Ndre Ravi
Ndre Ravi
07:42 05 Sep 24
Nice .but no service on the second day !
06:54 02 Sep 24
Visited Tiny Marienholm during the weekend for a night and we stayed in the house with the sauna. Location of these houses is very nice and the view from the room is so relaxing.Loved everything except that the cleaning should be more thorough. Considering the price of the night then I would expect that spiders from the room are also cleaned, since for someone who is terrified of them then there were some huge ones living inside our villa and it wasn't able to sleep anymore because of that. And the worst part was when we decided to do sauna late at night and the whole house outside was covered in spiderwebs and big spiders who ran into the sauna house the minute you opened the door. I would expect that the house outside could be cleaned also.So because of this I unfortunately would not be brave enough to visit this place again.
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